Terraria is a game that is best experienced with a group of friends. Although the game provides the easy option of setting up a quick multiplayer session via “Host & Play” mode, it does not allow a sustainable online world because the game session closes when the host player leaves the game. Fortunately, setting up a dedicated server for you and your friends to explore, create and collect in Terraria is easy. How to host a dedicated Terraria server?
Preparation of the network
Before you start configuring the server, think about network changes that may be needed if the server is on your home network.
Assign a static IP address to the server computer. This is unlikely, but if you do not do this, the router may reassign the computer’s IP address while using the server, which will interrupt your connection to it. To learn how to do this with the router, refer to the router’s manual or search for “how to configure a static IP address in <router make and model>”.
If someone connects to a server outside of your local network (otherwise “via the Internet”), you must redirect the server port. In addition, make sure you have assigned the server computer a static IP address for the router. See below on how to forward ports.
Opening a port accessible through your public IP address
To find your external IP address, a simple website can display your public IP address without unnecessary details such as whatsmyip.com or ipify (it has many other features on ipify.org/).
You will need to redirect (port 7777 by default, remember that this is the same port as Ark: Survival Evolved, Mordhau, Just Cause 2: Multiplayer mod and San Andreas Multiplayer) for Terraria. (port forwarding guide).

How to configure a dedicated server?
First, you need to find your IP address. Click Start and type CMD in the “Search programs and files” bar. This will display a command prompt. In Windows XP, go to the Start menu, then All Programs, then Accessories, and finally click Command Prompt. Type ipconfig at the command prompt and press Enter to display network information. Find the network adapter you are using and note the IPv4 address as well as the default gateway IP address.
If you have problems with the CMD prompt, you can simply go here and your IP address will be in large white letters in the box containing the proxy server, city etc.: whatismyip.com
After obtaining the IP address and default gateway, open.
Linksys router interface
web browser and enter the default gateway IP address in the address bar. This should bring up the router login screen. Enter username and password. It should be “admin” (it depends on the brand and model, if the username and password do not work, find the router model and go to portforward.com and filter the results to a specific router) for both, if you have never changed the router settings before. If you do not know, read the router manual or go to the router manufacturer’s website and look for the router’s instructions. After navigating to the router interface, locate the port forwarding options. Name the Terraria line and enter “7777 to 7777” for the port range, and then enter the computer’s IPv4 address. Save Changes.
Now the router should be ready to forward connections to the computer, but the computer may reject them due to the firewall. If so, you must add an exception to the firewall. This exclusion should apply to incoming TCP and UDP connections for local ports 7777.