Data loss from a computer disk – whether from vacation photos or files with important data – is not a pleasant experience. They can be lost in many ways. They can be accidentally deleted by the user himself, deleted as a result of hardware failure, computer formatting, or by the action of malicious software. Can you recover data from a wiped hard drive?
How does data recovery from disk work?
Lost data can be recovered, sometimes even in full. This is possible because the deleted data is not really deleted. Deleted disk sectors are only marked as deleted and ready to be overwritten with new data. They appear as free space on the system, but these sectors still contain previously saved data. It is therefore possible to recover them until they are overwritten with new information.
The most important thing is not to use the disk until you have the data recovery software ready. In this way, we will minimize the risk of overwriting data that we want to recover.
Data recovery on a laptop or computer is not a complicated process. All you need is a data recovery program. Below are the free data recovery programs.

Do not write anything to this disk!
This is an INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT matter! If you accidentally delete something from the hard disk, do not save, copy or delete anything on that disk under any circumstances. In short, do NOT do anything on this disk. Any operation on the disk, such as copying files, changing their names, or even saving a document in Word may cause that your deleted files will be overwritten with other data and it will not be possible to recover them.
If the files from the C drive, which also has the whole operating system, were unlucky, turn off the computer immediately, remove the disk and perform the entire recovery process on another computer, mounting your disk in it as an additional hard disk.
And don’t underestimate this step! This is overall the most important issue when recovering data from hard drives.
What free data recovery programs?
Recuva is the first proposition among free data recovery programs. This is one of the better programs of this type.
Disk Drill
The program allows you to recover any data up to 100 MB and can act as a program for backing up a faulty disk.
TOKIWA Data Recovery
The program is intended for the Windows family. This Open Source program can be run from a USB drive, thanks to which we reduce the risk of overwriting key disk sectors with the program installation.
EaseUS Data Recovery
EaseUS provides free versions of its data recovery software not only for computers with Windows or Mac OS X.
Minitool Partition Recovery
It allows you to recover many different types of files. It allows you to search deleted folders and recover files contained in them – you can also restore the entire lost folder.